Man i can say whatever i want on here
No longer beholden to Instagram community guidelines, Spencer engages in the longest unbroken chain of racial slurs in the 1848 dictionary of bad boy terms.
I’m not sure what to say on here. I doubt anyone will ever read this or if they do they will probably just skim it and go “what a weirdo.” So my name is Spencer I’m 35 years sold I have a 10 year old daughter and a golden retriever and a little black cat and I like to play music. It’s funny sometimes I don’t really know where I belong. Cuz half the time I don’t even wanna play rock and roll music. I don’t listen to rock and roll music or like metal and hardcore. I think people assume because my band sounds like that, that I’m really familiar with music that’s in that vein or sometimes even heavier. I really am not. I primarily listen to jazz and bebop from 1938-1969. If you get into my car, I am either critiquing a new mix of my own music or I’m likely listening to a post bop record or some mix. So yeah nobody knows this but I’m a secret jazz head. Realllly cool cat. I never said I was a cool cat.
So to explain Pinch Hitter if anybody is interested you do have to go back to one of my old bands which is called Tetsuo.
It was in this band that the lead singer/guitarist Eris Tilson taught me how to write rock and roll songs. If you listen to a few tracks on here, you will hear some of the vocal and lyrical basis for this project. I wanted to pick up where we left off with Tetsuo but have my own spin on it. I knew Tetsuo had a great sound. It was a mix of hard rock and singer/songwriter. And Eris was very clever with lyrics. So I’ve had to train myself to write clever lyrics; I’ve never written lyrics before and I’d say songs like Approaching Nashville on this album provided at least a little inspiration for when I was writing Pinch Hitter. Specifically the song Age of the Roach was my actual attempt at channeling what Eris and the rest of us were doing. Heady garage rock basically was what it cooked down to.
When I got diagnosed with testicular cancer, that band fell apart. I always felt that they (especially Eris) kinda abandoned me when they found I got cancer. And the funny thing is that I had surgery and I was totally fine. I was ready to play music again within a month. But we never got back together and I think I was more than a little petty and bitter about it. In my infinite wisdom of middle age I would probably have sacrificed more of my dignity to keep the band together. However, I soon had a kid and got married and moved to Washington, DC. so that’s where my music career went to die.
Really it’s pretty fucking tragic all the things I sold.
I had the 4 string version of this
I had a Christopher ¾ scale Chinese concert series upright bass. This thing was worth 3,500 and I probably sold it for $600. I could kick myself truly
Really miss this guy. I sold him to Chappy of Gnarwhal and Pile fame. His new band is called Guck! I think they’re in LA.
I don’t wanna list anything else cuz it’s depressing but yeah when I quit music I didn’t just sell my gear I sold a lot of my humanity and what was tethering me to what was good in this world. In DC with no instruments, living in a tiny apartment, drinking heavily and doing dabs (weed crack), I was very quickly deteriorating spiritually. I didn’t even believe in any kind of spiritual power or influence at that time. But when I look at my actions and my thought processes and primarily how much I was drinking to the point of almost death, I see now that that was one of the darkest times of my life.
I was working as a meme lord, making memes for a bunch of Instagram pages and businesses.
I made a ton of money off memes but ultimately I had to learn a very Biblical lesson about building my house on the sand. My page, @dabmoms, just google it I’m not gonna post any of my absolutely terrible garbage dog shit memes from 2016 here but just suffice it to say the bar was on the floor as far as online viral digital content went. You could slap “WHY HE LOOK LIKE THIS THO” on top of a picture of a cat just making a weird face and get 30k likes. It was the wild west. That page got deleted by Instagram. Some kid reported me for spam and Instagram deemed me enough of a bad actor to just rip the page down. 366k followers. It’s kinda sad that I’ll always remember that number. Followers really don’t mean shit. I didn’t even like most of my followers and I’m willing to bet half of them didn’t even look at their inactive pages.
Bands all try to go viral now, and as someone who went viral over and over and over for years, it really doesn’t help you grow a brand or get sales or a loyal audience. all it does is bring a wave of dickheads to your page to criticize you. Anyway I digress, I think there should be a lot of blog posts on here and maybe that should be one of them